Sunday, January 13, 2008

Color and Technical thoughts on Wedding Photography

There are tons of photographers on the internet, you will notice that each photographer has a certain style or aspect that defines his or hers own work. Which got me thinking yesterday what is my goal when I shoot a wedding, what are important aspects to look for on a wedding day? How does the photo come out at the end of the day? I think these are important things to think about or ask a photographer when looking for one.

To me when I shoot a wedding I look for details, things the bride or groom may not notice on the day of the wedding. I look at the way color and light go together. Cropping in the camera, the moments go by so quickly you have to be on guard all the time. How flash is used, placement of light on the dance floor... You have to have a plan of action when those formals come. You have one chance only to capture the day.

At the end of the day when I look at the photos that I have captured of my clients weddings and I am editing I think about color, how does color come into play with one photograph? Maybe color doesn't work maybe a high contrast black and white, maybe sepia, maybe the bride went all vintage at her wedding and wants a classic muted color to her photographs. These are the artistic decisions that go into wedding photography. I have been really experimenting alot with these concepts and I feel that all of my thoughts that go into these images really have been coming through in the end. Photography is an artform, Photography is technical, Photography is a thinking process.
On that note, I have been "experimenting" with some styles of color and have been loving this deep vintage look. I leave you readers with the above image.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see where you are coming from Laura