Sunday, April 13, 2008

Shana and Yuriy

Ok I had a amazing time at this shoot with Yuriy and Shana..we had a blast at what was known as King Zog's Mansion (what is left of it) at Knollwood Preserve in Muttontown, NY. (good luck finding the ruins, but we did with some tricks)
I was even luckier to find a couple who would want to go on such an expedition with me for their engagement shots.
Yuriy and Shana I am excited for your wedding in September!

the light kept on changing every 5 minutes and so did my exposures

Ionic Greek columns.. in its romantic glory

Knollwood - Engagements - Gold Coast



Anonymous said...

Thank you Laura. We had an great time, too. I can't believe the pictures, what an amazing day. I can't wait till Yuriy sees this!

Myra - twigs and honey said...


These are lovely! I love your new profile picture too!! The deep reds really make your eyes pop and your skin looks like Snow White's! Lovely!!

Yes! You need to get a home too! We were very fortunate as all the planets aligned for us to finally buy! Not that it was an easy decision! It was the third home we put an offer in for (the others had multiple offers!). I think as prices and interests rates have dropped, more people like Matt and I have started buying to take part in this unique period in housing!

Isn't it sooo sad about Paw Paw?? I remember seeing her dog on her earlier shows and thought he was just too pretty to be a "real" dog! Too cute... BUT soooo sad too. At least all dogs go to heaven!